Friday, January 25, 2008

Waste of Money for Would-Be Entrepreneurs

Seventy percent of the small business owners who participated in the survey indicated that an MBA degree isn't a big factor in determining entrepreneurial success.
SurePayroll President Michael Alter says that the survey results are not surprising.
"That's the beauty of entrepreneurship," said Alter. "Anybody can go into business regardless of their education. A person's level of education is isn't a big determinant of success. The things that matter are having a good business plan, finding a niche, being passionate about what you do, and working hard and smart to achieve your business goals."
The entrepreneurs who were surveyed clearly agree that formal education is not an essential ingredient for entrepreneurial success. Only 44 percent said that formal education is very important in preparing entrepreneurs for success. 51 percent said that education is only somewhat important and 5 percent said that education is not important. In a ranking of entrepreneurial success factors, formal education came in last.

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